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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

"Under the Sea" Baby Shower Cake - NJ Bergen County Bakery

A very sweet welcome to baby Levi! We were thrilled to make this baby shower cake for a special couple. We usually create a sketch for our clients but in this case the father-to-be created the sketch and sent to us. We loved his design and enjoyed making all the sugarpaste elements, including the baby crab and boat. 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Carnival Birthday Cake - NJ Custom Cake Bakery

A fun, festive cake for a little boy turning 6! We've been lucky enough to create cakes for is 3rd, 4th, and 5th birthday party. Every year his mother puts together a great party with a theme fitting for his age.
This year the theme was a big-top circus theme. We came up with this design for his cake and everything you see is edible including the sugarpaste popcorn!
or contact us via email at  or phone (201)655-2302 to discuss your birthday cake needs.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Happy Birthday Purse Cake - Bergen County NJ Bakery

Another purse cake from us at Confectionary Designs! Everything you see is edible, including the scarf, jewelry, purse handles, etc...
This cake was made for a 'fashionista' birthday party. The lovely recipient is known for her saying "it's all about the accessories!" We hope she liked gobbling up these sugar accessories.